Thursday, March 31, 2011

C'Mell - Lia Chan

C'Mell - Lia Chan

3 out of 5

Erba in Tour Uniform - Joel Glaine

Era in Tour Uniform - Joel Glaine

"In the shadow of Earthport, a rabbit-derived undergirl signals to you and your friends that the tour of Earthport will now begin. Triangle tours runs tours from Earthport, to the sprawling city of Meeya-Meefla at it's base to the top of Eathport, 20 km up. "

3 out of 5

The E'telikeli - Lifetake

The E'telikeli - Lifetake

E'telikeli is an Underperson from author Cordwainer Smith's sci-fi universe...he shows up in uhh...."The Ballad of Lost C'mell" and Norstrilia. I think that's it....? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong; C.S. has a billion short stories. Anyway Underpeople are animals modified to look and act like people, but basically they are treated as second-class citizens (if citizens at all, actually...can't remember). Anyway they do mundane jobs to make everyone's life easier. E'telikeli was a badly-formed Underperson and was discarded but he survived and then he does some important stuff. Oh and the E stands for Eagle; he was derived from an eagle.E'telikeli is an Underperson from author Cordwainer Smith's sci-fi universe...he shows up in uhh...."The Ballad of Lost C'mell" and Norstrilia. I think that's it....? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong; C.S. has a billion short stories. Anyway Underpeople are animals modified to look and act like people, but basically they are treated as second-class citizens (if citizens at all, actually...can't remember). Anyway they do mundane jobs to make everyone's life easier. E'telikeli was a badly-formed Underperson and was discarded but he survived and then he does some important stuff. Oh and the E stands for Eagle; he was derived from an eagle."

3.5 out of 5

M'inga Mouse Under-girl - Joel Glaine

M'inga Mouse Under-girl - Joel Glaine

"12000 years in the future,in the shadow of Earthport,Animal derived under-people scurry to fulfill the wishes of their human masters,leastways according to Cordwainer Smith. Inspired by the novel, Norstrilia, This is one of three pieces I did.
M'inga is a mouse-girl technician that keeps the engines and factories in the Down-deep-down-deep, far below the human city of Meeya-Meefla Around Earthport. The under-people who aren't to come in contact with true-men aren't allowed many clothes."

4 out of 5

Russian Blue a Girly-girl - Joel Glaine

Russian Blue a Girly-girl - Joel Glaine

"12000 years in the future,in the shadow of Earthport,Animal derived under-people scurry to fulfill the wishes of their human masters,leastways according to Cordwainer Smith. Inspired by the novel, Norstrilia, This is one of three pieces I did. Earthport hostesses are called "Girly-girls" and are expected to wait hand and foot on visitors from the stars like Geishas. Russian-blue is a cat-girl derived from a russian blue cat."

3.5 out of 5